From 'Someday' to Unforgettable: Our Affordable Adventure at Universal Studios - Adventure Threads Company

From 'Someday' to Unforgettable: Our Affordable Adventure at Universal Studios

So, here's the deal. My youngest kiddo is a die-hard fan of all things Jurassic Park and Jurassic World. Seriously, this kid eats, breathes, and sleeps dinosaurs. For about 6 years now, he's been pleading with us to take him to Universal Studios. And you know what our brilliant response has always been? The classic parental line, "We'll go someday." Yeah, well, guess what? Someday has finally arrived!

Now, our dino enthusiast is 11 years old, and it hit me like a ton of T-Rex-sized bricks that the window of time where he'll still be obsessed with Jurassic dinosaurs and willingly hang out with us is closing faster than a raptor chasing its prey. We have two adult children already, so we know firsthand how swiftly time flies by. So, a few weeks ago, we made the snap decision to stop procrastinating and just do it. We're going to Universal Studios!

There was just one tiny hiccup. Okay, maybe not so tiny. My husband couldn't take time off work because we already have other trips planned. But, fear not, I've got plenty of vacation days to spare, so I decided to take our young adventurer on the trip of a lifetime. Operation Universal Studios was a go!

To make this adventure as budget-friendly as possible, I had to get creative. That meant ditching the airport ten minutes away from our house and trekking two hours to Chicago O'Hare to score some serious savings. Who knew saving over $500 could be so worth a road trip?

But the fun didn't stop there. We managed to snag a free child's flight through Frontier Airlines. Cha-ching! And to keep our budget intact, we found a nearby hotel that offered affordable long-term parking and a convenient shuttle service to the airport. 

Additionally, we discovered a clever way to save even more during our trip. As Frontier Airlines charges for every additional item, we decided to share one carry-on between us. Not only did this help us cut down on costs, but it also gave us an opportunity to showcase our efficient packing skills. Stay tuned for an upcoming blog post where I'll share my top tips for packing efficiently!

With the savings from sharing the carry-on, we decided to treat ourselves and upgrade our seats. Being seated in the back of the plane is not my cup of tea, so we used the extra funds to secure seats closer to the front. It made our journey to Universal Studios even more comfortable and enjoyable.  Double win!  

Now, here's where our loyal Marriott loyalty paid off. As high-level reward members (thanks to our years of traveling for our older son's baseball tournaments and our other travels), we scored a sweet suite upgrade at the hotel for absolutely nothing. It's amazing what a little loyalty can do!

And the cherry on top? Universal Studios was running a mind-blowing ticket promotion: buy 2 days (park-to-park), get 3 days free. Heck yeah, sign us up! Even though we only had three days to spend in the parks, this deal worked out perfectly for our whirlwind adventure.

We decided to forgo renting a car because, get this, our hotel happened to have a shuttle service to Universal Studios as a partner perk. Talk about convenient! And when we needed to get around town, it was cheaper and easier to rely on good ol' Uber. No hassle, no problem.

Now, let me tell you about the actual experience. Seeing the sheer joy on my little one's face as he immersed himself in the wonder of Jurassic Park was absolutely priceless. We were there during the 30th Anniversary of Jurassic Park, and Universal had this mind-blowing Tribute Store dedicated to the movie. It was like stepping right into the heart of the action. Sticky notes, scripts, mockups—the works! It was a Jurassic Park fanatic's dream come true.

  Jurassic Park universal studios tribute store Jurassic Park universal studios tribute store

We lived it up during those few days at Universal Studios. We walked over 20 miles, braved the rides, got caught in a dino-sized rainstorm, rubbed shoulders with beloved characters, reenacted our favorite Jurassic scenes, won carnival games (well, some of them), devoured Jurassic-themed food, explored Camp Jurassic and the Jurassic Park Discovery Center, and came this close to being devoured by a life-sized Blue. Yeah, we went all out!

But you know what would have made our adventure even more epic? If my son had the chance to meet Jeff Goldblum himself. Meeting the man behind the iconic character Dr. Ian Malcolm is still on our bucket list, but hey, we've got plenty of "somedays" left to make it happen.

If there's one thing I've learned from this unforgettable trip, it's this: if you've been putting off an adventure or experience, it's time to kick those excuses to the curb. Find a way to make it happen! Trust me, you won't regret it. The joy, the laughter, the memories we created at Universal Studios are irreplaceable.

So, whether it's a visit to a theme park, a road trip, or any other dream you've been postponing, seize the moment. Embrace the spontaneity, the laughter, and the occasional chaos that comes with it. You never know what amazing experiences await you just around the corner.

And remember, it's not just about the destination; it's about the journey. The mishaps, the unexpected surprises, and the shared laughter make for the best stories. So, gather your family, pack your sense of adventure, and embark on that long-awaited trip. Create memories that will be told and retold for years to come.

Because let's face it, life is too short for "someday." The time to live, laugh, and explore is now. So go on, start planning, start dreaming, and start making memories. Your own incredible adventure awaits!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to start plotting our next escapade. Who knows where our wanderlust will take us next? But one thing's for sure: we won't be waiting for "someday" anymore. We're all in, embracing the joy of living in the moment, and creating our own extraordinary stories.

Until next time, fellow adventurers, remember to seize the day, chase your dreams, and make every moment count. Your next incredible adventure is just a step away. 

Happy Adventuring!

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